Tuesday 27 August 2013


The day when we chose to become an ENTREPRENEUR is the day we chose to step on a long and lonely journey. This is not a path where the normals take. As entrepreneurs, we spend hours grinding on the most pressing issues that the society faces. This is fun but sometimes, it may not be. Many times, in light of all the distractions around us, the devil within ourselves is constantly wooing us to quit and start living an easy life. In fact, one of the main reasons why entrepreneurs quit is due to the lack of motivation . It may be caused by isolation, confusion, stress, tiredness, boredom or even depleting passion. It is disheartening to see entrepreneurs quit because scale, massive adoption and success may just be around the corner if the entrepreneurs stayed on for a little longer. If you are running your own business or startup and the motivation that you once had for it is reducing or no longer there, this article on motivation techniques is dedicated to you. The motivation techniques am going to tell you will help to restore your motivation and allow your business to grow faster than before.


Entrepreneur Robert Kiyosaki is the author of the best selling business books of all time, the “ Rich Dad ,Poor Dad ” series .His message in all of his books is the same: “Take responsibility for your finances – or get used to taking orders for the rest of your life. You’re either a master of money or a slave to it. Your choice . ” In his most recent book “ The Business Of The 21 st Century ” Robert Kiyosaki describes one business model he believes holds the greatest promise for building genuine wealth for the most number of people . That business is called network marketing.