Monday 20 May 2013


People say that money is root of all evil and I believe it was the truth, but since I started searching my Bible, I discover that it was a lie.

In 1 Timothy 6:10 it says “The love of money is the root of all evil” That doesn’t mean that , if you go for money you are going for evil , but rather it means if you look for money and forget about God, it is evil.. Jesus says “I was rich but I became poor so that you may be rich” 2 cor. 8:9. So God wants us to be rich in everything. But to be rich is simple to some people and hard for others. To those that do not know how to go for money in the way that |God even Christ Jesus want it, you need one more thing to add which is everything to human. The name is (WISDOM). Seeking wisdom is not a problem but seeking from the right source is the hardest one. And I am here to impact some of them to you on how to MAKE MONEY WITHOUT STRESS.

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