Saturday 26 October 2013


Hmmm! Another great morning it is.. I‘ve been thinking,,after having a funny conversation yesterday with some friends..
They said,,,“DOUBLE-DATING“,, is the best way to not get HURT than when you‘re in a SINGLE-DATE.. Its favourable & advantageous.. Reasons was that,, they can‘t keep all their EGGS in one basket,, that they‘ve got to have seperate baskets for each egg they‘ve got...
Now i came to a conclusion with what i asked them,,, CAN YOU HAVE FEELINGS FOR MORE THAN ONE PERSON?.. Because,, when you‘re in a SINGLE DATE,, you‘d
always be sure of what you both got for eachother,, when a change occurs,, you‘d know,, in your heart &theirs,, you‘d know
where eachother belong.. But when you‘re DOUBLE-DATING,,, How can you know who‘s who? How can you tell of what they
feel for you?..
To me,, anyone who DOUBLE-DATES,, isn‘t ready to be in a REAL RELATIONSHIP!...
They‘re just playing around,,and also playing themselves,, because by the time SH*T gets serious (future),, that‘s when
you‘d see them being confused on who to go with,, Which they might lose it all..
So people,, what do you picture about those,, DOUBLE-DATING?,, and who plays this game more?,,

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